
Sean Hardy

Sean Hardy is a Melbourne based traffic lawyer who claims; “I have been successfully representing people charged with motor traffic offences since 1991.” The e-mails below, however, tell a very different story:

Hi Guys,

In response to your washed up lawyer topic, I used Shaun(sic) Hardy and lost my licence for 12 months, copped $1,000 fine with 8 demerit points.

Whilst being out of work on the dole because of no licence, I used your system to defend a 1 demerit point fine and won.

Keep up the good work.

Ross B - Vic.

And then there’s this one:

I was just writing in response to your recent e-mail about Sean Hardy and thought you, and perhaps the “authorities”, should know the following.

A few years back, when I was living down in Melbourne, I was facing a number of traffic charges and Sean Hardy represented me at the Magistrate’s Court on a number of occasions.

I ended up having to pay the original fine and lost my licence and demerit points but that wasn’t the worst bit – what was really weird was that he was going to charge me around $1,500 - $2,000 – I don’t remember the exact amount now as it was a few years ago – but he was actually putting in a claim to the court for his costs of around $6,000 - $7,000.

Myself and a mate who was with me found it very strange, and unethical, that he was charging the police a much higher amount than he was charging me. I don’t know if he was ever paid those amounts or not but, if he was, then, ultimately, it would have come out of taxpayers pockets and that doesn’t really sound like a “justice” system or an honourable and ethical thing for Sean to have been doing.

Anyway, just thought you should know. I love what you guys are doing and keep up the great work.

Matt – NSW.

Aussie Speeding Fines has publically listed 5 VERY simple questions for Sean Hardy, and all other traffic lawyers to answer, ASF have had the following questions up on their website for 7 years now, yet “Melbourne Barrister with 22 years experience defending road traffic offences in court”, Sean Hardy, has been unable/refused to answer these simple questions:

So, we put out this challenge to ANYONE – please PROVE us wrong on ANY of the following points and please explain WHY we are wrong and WHAT is your opinion of what is correct:

1. No traffic law in Australia has been correctly enacted in the Queen’s name.

2. No speed detection device being used in Australia has an NSC number which CONFIRMS that it conforms to Section 10 of the National Measurement Act 1960 (Cth).

3. The 1988 Referendum clearly decided that there was NO allowance for the establishment or continuance of local government in Australia. No local government or council has ANY right to issue ANY fines.

4. The Victorian High Court ruling Forge v ASIC clearly states that ALL courts MUST go back to operating in the manner that they did at Federation in 1900. Therefore, you have a RIGHT to request a Chapter III court hearing in accordance with this ruling.

5. Article 15 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that “…. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time when the criminal offence was committed”: therefore, court costs cannot be added to a so-called “criminal” traffic fine.

So, failing any response from Sean Hardy, and in response to his repeated attacks against the excellent work that Aussie Speeding Fines do to inform and educate Aussie motorists about their rights, here’s what Aussie Speeding Fines – www.aussiespeedingfines.com – have to say about Sean Hardy:

Some lawyer claims that your e-book doesn't work and it's all a scam Yes, we are well aware of the "liar for hire" (lawyer) who attacks the validity of our e-book but then tries get people to download it for free - A) that doesn't make ANY sense and B) he, as a lawyer, should know better than to blatantly breach international copyright law! Anyone with half a brain should be able to see right through his crap and why he says what he does but, for those that need a little help, we have had the following responses to his garbage up on-line for some time now:




Here are a couple of very simple questions to ask yourself about Sean Hardy and his rubbish before buying into any of it:

1. Why would a lawyer knowingly make copyright material available for download in clear breach of international law? We all know lawyers lie and cheat but that is just too blatant and ridiculous for words. What sort of ethics and how much credibility does a lawyer REALLY have who would go to those illegal extremes just to oppose a single e-book?

2. Why is Sean Hardy REALLY going to extreme measures of writing page after page about our little old e-book if it’s just a bunch of lies, as he claims? Why has he registered a domain name so similar to ours to try and trick and deceive people – which is, again, completely ILLEGAL, because he has NO legal entitlement to it under AUDA policies? Why is Sean Hardy spending good money after bad on Google advertising just to try and discredit us? Surely, being the prestigious lawyer that he claims to be, he has better things to do with his time. Hmm… maybe not! Maybe we have cost him so much over the years that he no longer has a viable practice to work in because people aren’t stupid enough to pay him $2,000+ to run a case for them when they can do it themselves for as little as $67!

3. If our information is all “wrong” and doesn’t really work – as he claims - then why the need to go to such extraordinary lengths to tell people: surely they would have found out by now on their own! After all, we have been here for over SEVEN years now!

4. Also, why, if the Consumer Affairs report was so damning of us, are we still around after SEVEN years and why have we been interviewed by the media on NUMEROUS occasions in that time???

5. Why is it that for every claimed “testimonial” against us we have 100 fully VERIFIBALE testimonials in support of us and our information?

6. Why is Hardy out to attack one of our founding Members, Mike Palmer – who simply did some promotion for us in the early days and helped us get up and running (we have far outgrown the ability to be run by a single individual now) - when we not only have documented wins from that Member but copies of the actual court rulings in his favour as well as a copy of the cheque from Victoria Police for the costs that they were ordered to pay him!

7. Why has he been unable to answer ANY of the simple questions that Aussie Speeding Fines asks in the section above?

We don’t need to personally attack Sean Hardy or say anything negative about him at all - he has done a brilliant job of showing his TRUE colours himself – he is in breach of our clear Copyright, as is anyone who has downloaded one of his old, out-of-date copies of our e-book.

We continue to provide cutting edge, proven strategies for defeating unjust and unlawful fines. We upload new testimonials on an almost weekly basis that verify that. We provide regular updates completely free of charge for life and we offer on-going e-mail support for life as well – we are there to help you, inspire you and educate you every step of the way – all for a very low, one-off fee that simply covers the cost of running our website and continuing to research things for you.

Go and ask Sean Hardy what he charges per case and then ask him what kind of guarantee he offers – then make up your mind!

So, given that hundreds, if not thousands of Aussie Speeding Fines Members have successfully used the

ASF system to defeat their unjust and unlawful fines – as is proven by their FOUR pages of Testimonials - www.aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Testimonials.html- why even waste your time with a traffic lawyer when you can successfully challenge and defeat your fines yourself?

And, if you really do feel like you simply HAVE to have a lawyer, then we recommend that you check out www.melbournetrafficlaw.com

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